Tuesday 17 July 2012

Our 95th slice of toast - Instant hot chocolate powder

We have already been fortunate enough to show off our ace dipping skills in a mug of hot chocolate, but this time there was no dipping involved.  We had some instant 'Options Belgian Chocolate' sachets remaining from the aforementioned dipping day, thus we used these.  Obviously.  There would really be no point in buying more as these risk going to waste.  We drink tea you see.  Yorkshire tea.

Although it does look a little odd, the slices were actually delicious.  They just tasted of hot chocolate, a taste that I found worked very well with the warm buttery toast.  The chocolate also partially melted over the warmth of the slice, a delight I feel we wouldn't have been fortunate enough to experience had we lingered around PTP (post-toast-pop).  You see those folk, hanging around nonchalantly PTP, not a care in the world, wondering why their slices just don't taste as good.

I made an excellent stencil with this one.  Oh the small things.

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