Grace overestimated the strength of the chives, clearly inexperienced in the field of fresh 'erb fragrance to taste ratios. I on the other hand put a few more on, providing me with a more 'erby flavour. The other reason Grace couldn't taste so well was because of her blocked nose. These went together brilliantly too. Great stuff.
Grace and I embark upon an epic journey through the culinary realms of toast.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Our 35th slice of toast - Cream cheese and chives
Grace overestimated the strength of the chives, clearly inexperienced in the field of fresh 'erb fragrance to taste ratios. I on the other hand put a few more on, providing me with a more 'erby flavour. The other reason Grace couldn't taste so well was because of her blocked nose. These went together brilliantly too. Great stuff.
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