Thursday 17 May 2012

Our 64th slice of toast - Raspberry cheesecake

So after our moderately disappointing baby food slice, we needed something to lift our toast dependant spirits and what better than a glorious pudding slice. Cheesecakes of course are usually made from a buttery biscuit base, a term made popular by the combination of Gregg Wallace, Swede Mason and Youtube - Masterchef Synesthesia. Now we couldn't just go chucking a buttery biscuit base on toast. Thats a double base. We'll leave that to the heavy metal.

This toasty cheesecake consisted of a liberal helping of mascarpone cheese, raspberries placed on top and a drizzling of honey over the top. It was incredible. Grace found herself so lost in this tiny toast adventure that she ate in to a meeting, pun intended, thus running off slice in hand. She later informed me of those at the meeting's amazement and inevitable envy at what she had brought along to eat.

This worked brilliant and the transportability proven by Grace has to give it 1 up on the buttery biscuit base!

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