Monday 11 June 2012

Our 70th slice of toast - Brown sugar

Brown sugar is a common term associated with interracial sex. It is also a Rolling Stones song, which lyrically touches on the aforementioned meaning. Less known is a sucrose product with the same name, regularly taking a back seat to white sugar in one's hot beverage.

On toast, the sugar adds a grainy, crunchy texture and of course makes the slice much sweeter. Neither of us had a supply of brown sugar so we got some small packets from our canteen, aimed at those wanting to put it in their beverages. This is often performed by those who drink tea/coffee because: it gets offered to them and they don't want to be rude and turn it down; everyone else drinks it and they want to fit in; it's cool. There are also a select few that actually like it sweet and either aren't aware of its cancer risk or don't care much for it. I diverse... it's nice on toast and the world would be a woeful place without cake, for which sugar is very much required.

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