We chose Yazoo for our chocolate milk. Chocolate, PB and toast is a wonderful combination, as shown in slice 62 (Reese's pieces) but this didn't quite compare. The chocolate taste was there, but not significantly enough and in hindsight, we should probably have gone for a thicker grade of chocolate milk such as Frijj. Still, quite nice. Different for sure. But I preferred our 62nd slice.
The Ultimate Toast Adventure
Grace and I embark upon an epic journey through the culinary realms of toast.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Our 116th slice of toast - PB, dipped in chocolate milk
We chose Yazoo for our chocolate milk. Chocolate, PB and toast is a wonderful combination, as shown in slice 62 (Reese's pieces) but this didn't quite compare. The chocolate taste was there, but not significantly enough and in hindsight, we should probably have gone for a thicker grade of chocolate milk such as Frijj. Still, quite nice. Different for sure. But I preferred our 62nd slice.
Our 115th slice of toast - Lime butter
This meant mixing some butter in a bowl with the zest and juice of half a lime, followed by splattering the mixture it across the toast. We used a knife to zest - which was quite dire. The slice basically tasted like basic buttered bread, but with a tang. Which we liked yo. And yes, more green.
Disclaimer: The unused half of the lime was pictured, for presentation purposes.
Our 114th slice of toast - Avocado
We cut ours down the middle, all the way around the stone and twisted the two halves apart. The last avocado we had was far from ripe and caused discomfort. This avocado on the other hand was perfect. It cut well and was easy to bite in to too, almost eliminating any risk of either of the UFS or CSD actions. Eat this. And again, some wonderful green
Our 113th slice of toast - Cream cheese & kiwi
Kiwifruit has a sharp taste to it. I once overheard a strange conversation between two campanologists, discussing those who do and those who don't eat kiwifruits with their skins still on. To eat a kiwifruit alone, both Grace and I prefer to cut it in half and scoop that sharp juicy centre out with a spoon. We used this same method to apply it on our slice of toast. The cream cheese mellows the sharp taste quite well, but as a combination I didn't find they were best suited. Not all bad though. I like the colour green, for example.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Our 112th slice of toast - Boiled egg & pickled herring
Technically, this wasn't your simple pickled herring. I shopped in Sainsbury's for this and they had either rollmops or marinated herring. For information a rollmop is pickled herring, wrapped around pickled onion, in pickle/vinegar. The marinade though is a sweet dill marinade, consisting of a basic pickle with the addition of some spices and dill, of course. So it's better than just pickled herring right? Wrong. At least not on toast avec un oeuf.
The herring packed a mighty kick making your eyes water. Boiled egg on toast is good, but not known for its strong flavours and the herring just destroyed everything in this slice. Grace couldn't even finish. Not that that's a first!
Our 111th slice of toast - Tuna, cucumber & olives
We went for Princes tuna. Its a good'n. We chose Aldi mixed black and green olives and you're standard supermarket cucumber 'portion', merely meaning that you don't get the whole thing. So for the individual. I can't imagine any single person would have an entire cucumber to themselves?
As a combo, it was strange. Tinned tuna of course has nothing on a fresh tuna steak as it is less meaty in taste and the texture is fairly dry. The olives were as strong as ever which overpowered the bland cucumber and its not like toast packs a punch to match the olive either. So it didn't really work very well. Oh well.
Our 110th slice of toast - PB & nutella
How had we not had this before? Chocolate and nut is a fantastic combination. Nutella already reps the combo and we've taken the ratio way over on the nut side of the scales. And does it work? Of course it does!
I never won my Nutella tree.
Our 109th slice of toast - Caramelised bacon
This caused the caramelisation factor to reduce, but the sweet salty taste remained. This was unsurprisingly delicious as we liked this very much.
Our 108th slice of toast - Condensed milk
When I purchased this tin or Nestle carnation condensed milk, I also purchased some damn good quality Nescafe coffee. Now never before have I considered the similarity in Nestle and Nescafe's names. Nor had I before considered the similarity between their logo's. But nevertheless, the tins began mating in my shopping bag and upon surfacing, they couldn't have been a better fit. This is when it all came flooding in: the name; the logo. Then, there, on the back of the Nescafe tin, was Nestle.
I'll finish with a poem:
Condensed milk is very sweet.
Like unbelievably sweet.
But in the most delicious way.
It doesn't taste like milk in any way.
Not today or any day.
We recommend you try this out.
Experience what it's about.
It spreads so great and tastes great too
We recommend this to you.
I'll finish with a poem:
Condensed milk is very sweet.
Like unbelievably sweet.
But in the most delicious way.
It doesn't taste like milk in any way.
Not today or any day.
We recommend you try this out.
Experience what it's about.
It spreads so great and tastes great too
We recommend this to you.
Our 107th slice of toast - Tinned spaghetti
This slice was as expected - we loved it as much as we always have, throughout our toast loving lives.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Our 106th slice of toast - Fried egg & tomato ketchup
Again, a classic barn breakfast item - fried eggs. They are without doubt my favourite form of cooked egg, that is, when only eggs are used. For example scrambled eggs can be made so much better by use of other ingredients within it, such as: chives; parmesan; cream fraiche; onions etc. That's cheating.
Neither of us really eat tomato ketchup much. I loves me a pickle or a relish, or even a strong mustard, but I find that ketchup just makes everything taste like... well... like ketchup.
So, we weren't particularly liberal with our ketchup appliance and the slice was actually pretty good. So if you love ketchup, chances are you LOVE this one. Again, sorry for my crap camera. And crap isn't swearing.
Our 105th slice of toast - Beans and cheese

Back to culinary chit chat, the beans and cheese were excellent. But we knew this before we even started heading down to the barn. We've all had beans and cheese before and more often than not, we love it. I do have a friend who doesn't like beans though. But he does like cheese...
Our 104th slice of toast - Cheese & a pineapple ring
Well we went one better here, putting it on toast (which is far more edible than a stick) and completing it with 1 entire pineapple ring, usually saved for gammon steaks. This slice was fab. Plenty of juice from the pineapple, strength from the cheese and the savoury dough based produce we all crave in bread.
One word of wisdom: tinned pineapple rings are called pineapple slices. Thank me later.
Our 103rd slice of toast - Melted cheese and crispy bacon
As far as bacon is concerned, I prefer it still squealing. I don't like how you seem to lose half the rasher the more you cook it so as soon as it starts to shrink, its whipped off the heat and in to a sandwich. I do like crispy bacon though and this was delicious. The cheese was cheddar, thus extra mature. What else? There was something incredibly gnawish about the bacon too. Worth the extra money for precooked bacon? Yes, assuming one has no oven.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Our 102nd slice of toast - Oatmeal & jam
We went for a Bonne Maman strawberry jam. This is an excellent jam, let me tell thee. We spread this on the toast first, quite heartily, followed by spooning more of the oatmeal on top, splodging it around with the spoon until pleased with our distribution. Oh my oh my oh my. This was absolutely excellent for the both of us. Low carbers should either avoid this completely, or stop being silly and get on it! I recommend the latter.
Our 101st slice of toast - Oatmeal
So, in case you are currently in the dark to the instant Quaker good morning oat sachet's, you poor the oats in to a bowl and fill the empty sachet back up with milk, to the line near the top. You then poor the milk in with the oats and zap it for 2 minutes in a microwave, during which time the oats have a wild party with the milk and they become porridge! Its science. On toast, this was bland but not awful. It honestly wasn't bad. It just wasn't that NICE. Perhaps it could have done with some jam...
Our 100th slice of toast - Banana split
Yeah, you remember the days of banana splits. Perhaps your days of banana splits aren't yet over? It's a good part of life. I don't have them much really as i've become a man of savoury dishes. I like to feed myself with foods that actually have a positive effect on the way I feel and function, though the toast adventure has certainly taken me away from that from time to time! But it's been worth it of course.
We didn't split our banana, instead we mashed it up on top of the hot toast. We don't hang around PTP. We then squirted on the cream, drizzled over the chocolate syrup and finished it off graciously by sprinkling over the desiccated coconut. Now that's a lot of verbs.
"Desiccated? That poor coconut", exclaimed our Grace. This slice was incredible and Grace and I enjoyed it immensely, making it a fantastic 100th slice. Now on with the next century and more!
We didn't split our banana, instead we mashed it up on top of the hot toast. We don't hang around PTP. We then squirted on the cream, drizzled over the chocolate syrup and finished it off graciously by sprinkling over the desiccated coconut. Now that's a lot of verbs.
"Desiccated? That poor coconut", exclaimed our Grace. This slice was incredible and Grace and I enjoyed it immensely, making it a fantastic 100th slice. Now on with the next century and more!
Our 99th slice of toast - Pepsi & whipped cream
We buttered the toast (obviously) and I decided to cut mine in to dipping strips, allowing for easier dunking abilities. Planning as though I was intending on enjoying this one? I wasn't expecting anything of the sort. I arranged my dunkables in a michelin restaurant style, though the picture just does it no justice! It looked pretty 5 star from my angle. However the toast was arranged, nothing could have made this taste good. The pepsi taste, the fizz, everything that had anything Pepsi involved was detestable. And detested by us. And rightly so!
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Our 98th slice of toast - Cheddar cheese & relish
Hello ploughman's. A ploughman's has to be one of my most favourite British meals, especially when enjoyed in a pub garden or at a picnic in the summer. We decided on a Pilgrim's Choice extra mature cheddar. I have always found Pilgrim's Choice cheese to be very tasty. There really is no place for mild cheddar cheese. Extra mature is the superior choice and I won't hear otherwise. Literally, I just won't listen.
The relish was Branston hot chilli and jalapeno. This sounded delicious but being a Branston product, who target the very widespread and fussy general public, we were quite sure this wouldn't be at all spicy. We were correct, but with the jalapeno content at just 0.4% and in puree form, you can't expect much! It was also ~10% cauliflower...
On toast, the ploughman's with a twist did not let down. It was delicious and didn't taste of cauliflower one bit.
The relish was Branston hot chilli and jalapeno. This sounded delicious but being a Branston product, who target the very widespread and fussy general public, we were quite sure this wouldn't be at all spicy. We were correct, but with the jalapeno content at just 0.4% and in puree form, you can't expect much! It was also ~10% cauliflower...
On toast, the ploughman's with a twist did not let down. It was delicious and didn't taste of cauliflower one bit.
Our 97th slice of toast - PB & brown sugar
P.S. I'd just like to mention to all those branded loaf anarchists that pride themselves on regularly eating home cut doorstep bread - my comment on thick slices referred to that of pre-sliced loaves. I do also agree that they are not that thick. I also love doorstep bread.
And the blog continues... I've always found brown sugar quite odd on toast, despite working on those little cake slice things you get with brown sugar on top and that i'm too lazy to try researching the name of, it doesn't really work on toast. Its like sea salt, when its in large grains and you get a big crunch whilst attempting to enjoy a savoury dish of delicate flavours - it's upsetting. This slice made me upset. Though it wasn't so much the size of the brown sugar grains, but more the PB overdose. I thought we were friends. Alas.
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